The Bordurians have crossed the Trans Syldavian border in a number of places, their strategy seems to be to send a large column to try and set up blockades at the main passes over the Syldavian Alps so Syldavian reinforcements can't get into Trans Syldavia easily, while another column is moving straight for the port city of Szeszik, and a third is crossing at he area around Kustomz to follow the northern road, probably to try and go around any opposition eho is trying to prevent the direct advance to Szeszik.
Our Man on the spot has ieced together what haoppened at Kustomz and filed thsi report befire having to leave in a hurry. The Syldavian forces at Kustomz fought well (see last post) but were eventually overcome by sheer numbers and had to retire. (The Syldavians won the actual battle, but they had to achieve a high kill rate to force Borduria back, so we judged - for this mini campaign - that the Bordurian 2nd wave would have over-run Kustomz.)
He deceded discretion was the better part of valour and retired back into Trans Syldavia, But the next morning was manabegd to photograph Bordurian BT-5 tanks rolling through town he was staying in and decided to leg it again.
He retired as far as the hamlets of Velke and Male Klenplek where Syldavian forces had set up a defendive line. But no sonner had he filled up teh car than Bordurians advance forces attacked.
The Bordurians again had bigger numbers but the Syldavians have better armour.and training. Our man was ALSO very surprised to see a a small force of Burgundians from Italy fighting with the Syldavian forces (more on this later....)
(Above) Bordurian troops preparing to attack Syldavian forces n the hamlets.moving down the main road to Szeszik
Again the Bordurians struggled to make headway against the better equipped Syldavians in defence, and again the use of aircraft was effective.
In this game we
also introduced a Bordurian Mountain Infantry unit (aka better
infantry than the poor quality Bordurian line troops) and they had more impact in assaulting built up areas.
Again it was a Syldavian victory in numbers, but the Bordurians carried the attack into Velke Klenplek, thus securing the main road forward and we judged the Bordurians would secure it and the Syldavians would retire again (and thus of course, another battle would have to be fought....).
(Below) Bordurian Polikarpov Po 2 attacking Burgundian troops.
The Syldavians command were taken by surprise by the Bordurian invasion and
have few air assets in TransSyldavia.